元旦当天,大雨和强风扰乱了英国部分地区的旅行。 Heavy rain and strong winds disrupt travel across parts of the UK on New Year's Day.
元旦当天,大雨和强风导致英国部分地区的旅行严重中断,尤其是在英格兰西北部和威尔士。 Heavy rain and strong winds caused significant travel disruptions across parts of the UK on New Year's Day, particularly in North-West England and Wales. 包括博尔顿和北威尔士部分地区在内的地区发布了洪水警告,道路和火车线路因洪水而关闭。 Flood warnings were issued for areas including Bolton and parts of North Wales, with roads and train lines closed due to flooding. 英国气象局发布了琥珀色警报,并警告了中断情况,包括米德兰兹和奔宁山脉可能发生的洪水。 The Met Office issued an amber alert and warned of disruptions, including potential flooding in the Midlands and Pennines. 还预报了大风,进一步影响了旅行。 High winds were also forecast, further affecting travel. 出于安全考虑,烟花表演等活动被取消。 Events like fireworks displays were canceled due to safety concerns.