狂野的天气扰乱了英国的新年,导致旅行混乱和洪水泛滥。 Wild weather disrupts New Year’s in the UK, causing travel chaos and flooding.
狂野的天气扰乱了英国的新年庆祝活动,导致旅行混乱和洪水泛滥。 Wild weather disrupted New Year's celebrations in the UK, causing travel chaos and flooding. 大雨和强风导致航班取消、火车延误和道路封闭,影响了数千人。 Heavy rain and strong winds led to canceled flights, delayed trains, and closed roads, affecting thousands of people. 风暴还对财产造成了损失,并迫使一些地区发布了洪水警告。 The storms also caused damage to properties and forced some areas to issue flood warnings.