中国消费者交易方案出现激增,提交1 079万份电子装置补贴申请。 China's consumer trade-in program sees surge, with 10.79 million electronic device subsidy applications submitted.
在春节购物季节,中国消费品贸易方案受到欢迎,商务部收到1 079万台电子设备的补贴申请。 China's consumer goods trade-in program gained significant popularity during the Spring Festival shopping season, with the Ministry of Commerce receiving subsidy applications for 10.79 million electronic devices. 该方案扩大到包括智能手机、平板电脑和智能观察器,促进了消费者情绪和零售销售增长。 The program, expanded to include smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, has boosted consumer sentiment and retail sales growth. 政府计划继续支助消费,增加符合条件的家用电器类别,在交易方案中增加更多客车。 The government plans to continue supporting consumption by increasing eligible home appliance categories and adding more passenger vehicles to the trade-in program.