国际航班恢复在大马士革,标志着叙利亚朝着恢复阿萨德后政权的方向迈出了一步。 International flights resume in Damascus, signaling Syria's step towards recovery post-Assad regime.
2025年1月7日,大马士革国际机场恢复了国际航班,这是前总统巴沙尔·阿萨德政权上月垮台以来的首次此类活动。 International flights resumed at Damascus International Airport on January 7, 2025, marking the first such activity since the fall of former President Bashar al-Assad's regime last month. 一架载有145名乘客的叙利亚航空公司航班飞往阿拉伯联合酋长国沙迦,标志着饱经战乱的国家有了新的开端。 A Syrian Airlines flight with 145 passengers departed for Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, signaling a new beginning for the war-torn nation. 卡塔尔航空公司还宣布,在中断了13年之后,它将重新启动前往大马士革的路线。 Qatar Airways also announced it would restart its route to Damascus after a 13-year hiatus. 预计恢复飞行将有助于叙利亚的恢复,并改善与世界其他地区的连通。 The resumption of flights is expected to aid in Syria's recovery and improve connectivity with the rest of the world.