伊拉克恢复飞往黎巴嫩的航班,因为叙利亚叛乱分子对大马士革的控制结束了阿萨德的统治。 Iraq resumes flights to Lebanon as Syrian rebels' control of Damascus ends Assad's rule.
伊拉克将在星期一恢复飞往黎巴嫩的航班,根据该国交通部长的说法。 Iraq will resume flights to Lebanon on Monday, according to the country's transport minister. 由于对叙利亚局势的安全关切,这些航班于12月8日被暂停。 The flights were suspended on December 8th due to security concerns over the situation in Syria. 叙利亚叛乱分子夺取了大马士革的控制权,导致阿萨德总统离开俄罗斯,13年多后结束其家族统治。 Syrian rebels seized control of Damascus, leading to President Assad's departure to Russia and the end of his family's rule after more than 13 years.