土耳其航空公司在 13 年后恢复飞往大马士革的航班,标志着土耳其与叙利亚的关系有所改善。 Turkish Airlines resumes flights to Damascus after 13 years, signaling improved Turkey-Syria ties.
土耳其航空公司已重启从伊斯坦布尔飞往大马士革的航班,这标志着土耳其和叙利亚之间长达 13 年的商业航班停飞结束。 Turkish Airlines has restarted flights from Istanbul to Damascus, marking the end of a 13-year halt in commercial flights between Turkey and Syria. 此举是在叙利亚与阿拉伯和西方国家重新建立联系后外交关系改善之后采取的。 This move follows improvements in diplomatic relations as Syria reconnects with Arab and Western nations. 土耳其航空公司将每周运营三个航班,这反映了土耳其对投资叙利亚经济和援助其能源部门的兴趣。 Turkish Airlines will operate three flights per week, reflecting Turkey's interest in investing in Syria's economy and aiding its energy sector.