卡塔尔通过军用飞机向叙利亚运送人道主义援助,标志着其空中桥梁支助的开始。 Qatar delivers humanitarian aid to Syria via a military plane, marking the start of its air bridge support.
卡塔尔军机于2024年12月30日降落大马士革, 首次向叙利亚运送人道主义援助物资, 包括救护车、食物及药品, A Qatari military plane landed in Damascus on December 30, 2024, delivering humanitarian aid including ambulances, food, and medicine to Syria for the first time. 这标志着卡塔尔开始建立空中桥梁,以支持叙利亚的人道主义需求并恢复机场业务。 This marks the start of Qatar's air bridge to support Syria's humanitarian needs and resume airport operations. 卡塔尔国际合作国务大臣强调了该国对援助叙利亚人民和发展的承诺。 Qatar's Minister of State for International Cooperation highlighted the country's commitment to aiding Syria's people and development.