土耳其航空公司 (Turkish Airlines) 在 13 年后恢复飞往大马士革的航班,运送乘客和援助物资。 Turkish Airlines resumes flights to Damascus after 13 years, carrying passengers and aid.
土耳其航空公司在暂停 13 年后重启了飞往大马士革的航班,从伊斯坦布尔起飞的航班载有人道主义援助和 345 名乘客,包括首席执行官 Bilal Eksi 和土耳其官员。 Turkish Airlines has restarted flights to Damascus after a 13-year pause, with a flight from Istanbul carrying humanitarian aid and 345 passengers, including CEO Bilal Eksi and Turkish officials. 尽管土耳其过去曾支持反对叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德 (Bashar al-Assad) 的叛乱分子,但土耳其还是采取了这一举措。 This move comes despite Turkey's past support for rebels against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 这次飞行标志着自叙利亚内战以来,国际社会与叙利亚重新建立联系迈出了重要一步。 The flight marks a significant step in international reconnection with Syria since its civil war.