严冬天气扰乱了英国各地的旅行和电力,关闭了机场并导致停电。 Severe winter weather disrupts travel and power across the UK, closing airports and causing outages.
大雪和冻雨在英国各地造成了广泛的中断,包括利物浦约翰列侬机场和曼彻斯特机场等主要机场的航班暂停。 Heavy snow and freezing rain have caused widespread disruptions across the UK, including the suspension of flights at major airports like Liverpool's John Lennon Airport and Manchester Airport. 北部的主要道路无法通航,伯明翰、布里斯托尔和卡迪夫也发生了停电。 Key roads in the north are unnavigable, and power outages have hit Birmingham, Bristol, and Cardiff. 英国国家电网正在努力恢复电力,预计铁路服务的中断将持续到本周。 The National Grid is working to restore power, and disruptions to rail services are expected to continue into the week. 英国气象局预测,英格兰北部和苏格兰南部将出现最强的降雪,本周晚些时候南部将出现较温和的天气。 The Met Office predicts the heaviest snowfall in northern England and southern Scotland, with milder conditions coming to the south later in the week.