联合王国的红色天气警报告诫人们不要开车,而且由于条件恶劣,可能影响火车服务。 Red weather warnings in the UK advise against driving and may affect train services due to severe conditions.
红色天气警告期间驾驶飞机可能不会使您的汽车保险无效,但如果保险人证明存在过失,可能会导致拒绝索赔。 Driving during a red weather warning may not invalidate your car insurance, but it could lead to claim denials if insurers prove negligence. 苏格兰交通部建议,除非必要,否则不得开车。 Traffic Scotland advises against driving unless essential. 联合王国的火车服务可能面临速度限制或取消,网络铁路常常将高风速降至50毫米,ScotRail在70毫米风预报时实施限制。 Train services in the UK may face speed restrictions or cancellations, with Network Rail often reducing speeds to 50mph in high winds, and ScotRail implementing restrictions at 70mph wind forecasts. 红色警告显示条件恶劣,建议立即采取行动保护自己。 Red warnings indicate severe conditions, and immediate action to protect oneself is advised.