风速高达 80 英里/小时的风暴达拉格将扰乱本周末的英国旅行,尤其是在苏格兰。 Storm Darragh, with winds up to 80mph, will disrupt UK travel this weekend, especially in Scotland.
预计风暴 Darragh 将于周五至周六以高达 80 英里/小时的风速和大雨袭击英国,苏格兰西南部可能是受灾最严重的地区。 Storm Darragh is expected to hit the UK with winds up to 80mph and heavy rain from Friday to Saturday, with the south-west of Scotland likely to be the hardest hit. 英国气象局已发布周六凌晨 3 点至晚上 9 点的破坏性大风黄色警告,影响英国西海岸和北爱尔兰。 The Met Office has issued an amber warning for damaging winds from 3am to 9pm on Saturday, affecting the west coast of the UK and Northern Ireland. 周四,苏格兰、北爱尔兰、威尔士和英格兰的部分地区也发布了风雨黄色警告。 A yellow warning is also in place for wind and rain on Thursday across parts of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England. 风暴可能会对建筑物造成破坏、停电和道路封闭。 The storm could cause damage to buildings, power cuts, and road closures. 当局建议旅行者提前计划并避开暴露区域。 Authorities advise travelers to plan ahead and avoid exposed areas.