黄色天气预警对北安普敦郡,林肯郡,沃里克郡,贝德福德和路顿的司机发出警告. Yellow weather warning issues caution for drivers in Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Warwickshire, Bedford, and Luton.
由于黄色天气警告,专家正在警告北安普敦郡、林肯郡、沃里克郡、贝德福德和卢顿的司机。 Experts are cautioning drivers in Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Warwickshire, Bedford, and Luton due to a yellow weather warning. 这一警报意味着可能影响驾驶安全的潜在危险条件。 This alert signifies potential hazardous conditions that could affect driving safety. 在此期间,敦促机动车手在公路上小心谨慎,保持警惕。 Motorists are urged to exercise caution and remain vigilant while on the roads during this period.