英国忍受着恶劣的天气,每小时 80 英里的风导致航班、渡轮取消和铁路限速。 UK endures severe weather, with 80mph winds causing flight, ferry cancellations, and rail speed limits.
由于强风,英国正面临严重的旅行中断,阵风高达 80 英里/小时,导致黄色天气警告。 The UK is facing severe travel disruptions due to strong winds, with gusts up to 80mph causing yellow weather warnings. 由于风和空域限制,希思罗机场已经取消了一些航班,并延误了许多其他航班。 Heathrow Airport has canceled some flights and delayed many others due to winds and airspace restrictions. 拉恩 (Larne) 和卡琳赖安 (Cairnryan) 之间以及苏格兰西海岸的渡轮服务也已中断。 Ferry services between Larne and Cairnryan and across Scotland's west coast have also been disrupted. 机管局警告称,主要道路将出现严重拥堵,预计本周末将有超过 2000 万辆汽车出行。 The AA warns of heavy congestion on major roads, predicting over 20 million car journeys this weekend. 苏格兰铁路公司已对多条路线实施了速度限制。 ScotRail has imposed speed restrictions on several routes.