塔利班禁止妇女在阿富汗修读护理和助产课程,影响到35 000名学生。 The Taliban bans women from nursing and midwifery courses in Afghanistan, affecting 35,000 students.
阿富汗塔利班禁止妇女参加护理和助产课程,进一步限制了妇女接受教育和获得保健服务的机会。 The Taliban in Afghanistan has banned women from nursing and midwifery courses, further restricting women's education and healthcare access. 这一举动影响到大约35 000名女学生,其原因是,妇女已经被禁止接受中学以外的教育。 This move affects around 35,000 female students and comes after women were already barred from education beyond secondary school. 由于阿富汗已经面临医疗专业人员严重短缺的问题,这一禁令可能使阿富汗的保健系统,特别是妇女和儿童的保健系统更加恶化。 With Afghanistan already facing a severe shortage of medical professionals, the ban could worsen the country's healthcare system, particularly for women and children. 这项决定受到人权倡导者和外国外交官的广泛谴责。 The decision has been widely condemned by human rights advocates and foreign diplomats.