教科文组织报告说,塔利班掌权以来,有140万阿富汗女孩被剥夺中等教育。 1.4 million Afghan girls denied secondary education since Taliban took power, UNESCO reports.
据教科文组织称,自塔利班于2021年掌权以来,已有140万阿富汗女童被剥夺接受中等教育的机会。 1.4 million Afghan girls have been denied access to secondary education since the Taliban took power in 2021, according to UNESCO. 这使阿富汗无法接受教育的女童总数达到250万,占该国学龄女童的80%。 This brings the total number of girls denied access to education in Afghanistan to 2.5 million, constituting 80% of the school-age girls in the country. 联合国机构警告塔利班的决定已经“几乎彻底消灭了”阿富汗20年教育进步, 并危及整个一代人的未来。 The UN agency warns that the Taliban's decisions have "almost wiped out" two decades of progress in education in Afghanistan and put the future of an entire generation at risk.