19名阿富汗女医科学生抵达爱丁堡继续学习,绕过塔利班禁止妇女接受教育的规定。 19 Afghan female medical students arrive in Edinburgh for continued studies, bypassing Taliban's ban on women's education.
19名阿富汗女医科学生在一家慈善机构与英国/苏格兰政府共同努力,克服塔利班禁止妇女受教育的禁令之后,抵达苏格兰爱丁堡继续学习。 19 Afghan female medical students landed in Edinburgh, Scotland for continued studies after a joint effort by a charity and the UK/Scottish governments overcame Taliban's ban on women's education. Linda Norgrove基金会在将学生带到联合王国方面发挥了关键作用,作为家庭学生向他们提供免费学费和生活费支助。 The Linda Norgrove Foundation played a key role in bringing the students to the UK, providing them with free tuition and cost-of-living support as home students. 教科文组织报告说,自2022年12月塔利班禁止妇女接受高等教育以来,阿富汗的大学入学率大幅下降。 UNESCO reports a significant drop in university enrolments in Afghanistan since the Taliban's ban on women in higher education in December 2022.