19名阿富汗女医科学生在苏格兰获得免费学费,在塔利班禁止妇女上大学后学习。 19 Afghan female medical students, granted free tuition in Scotland, study after the Taliban banned women attending university.
在塔利班禁止妇女上大学之后,来自阿富汗的19名女医科学生正在苏格兰学习。 Nineteen female medical students from Afghanistan are studying in Scotland after the Taliban's ban on women attending university. 在Linda Norgrove基金会的支持下,他们克服了搬迁方面的重大挑战,包括签证程序和语言测试。 Supported by the Linda Norgrove Foundation, they overcame significant challenges to relocate, including visa processes and language tests. 苏格兰政府修订了供资法,允许他们免学费。 The Scottish government amended funding laws, allowing them free tuition. 这些学生现在在各所大学注册,他们的目标是作为医生返回阿富汗,帮助为他们的国家创造更美好的未来。 The students, now enrolled in various universities, aim to return to Afghanistan as doctors to help foster a better future for their country.