蒙特利尔码头工会对劳动部长影响其权利的仲裁决定提起诉讼。 Dock workers' union in Montreal to sue over Labour Minister's arbitration decision impacting their rights.
蒙特利尔码头工人工会计划向法院质疑劳工部长具有约束力的仲裁决定。 The Montreal dock workers' union plans to challenge a Labour Minister's binding arbitration decision in court. 工会对该决定提出异议,认为该决定对他们的工作条件和权利有负面影响。 The union disputes the decision and believes it negatively impacts their working conditions and rights. 这一行动是在工会和港口管理之间数月的谈判和争端之后进行的。 This move comes after months of negotiations and disputes between the union and port management.