雇主威胁说,如果合同谈判失败,将在星期天前锁定1 200名蒙特利尔码头工人。 Employers threaten to lock out 1,200 Montreal dockworkers by Sunday if contract talks fail.
蒙特利尔港的雇主威胁要封锁大约1200名码头工人, 如果周日未达成合同协议的话。 The Port of Montreal's employers are threatening to lock out about 1,200 dockworkers if a contract agreement isn't reached by Sunday. 最新的报价包括加薪,但遭到工会的批评,因为没有处理日程安排问题。 The latest offer includes salary increases but has been criticized by the union for not addressing scheduling issues. 码头工人正在就这项提议投票表决,这可能影响到加拿大第二大港口每天处理的近4亿美元货物的流动。 Dockworkers are voting on this offer, which could impact the flow of nearly $400 million in goods handled daily at Canada's second-biggest port.