蒙特利尔港码头工人在正在进行的合同谈判中停止加班工作。 Dockworkers at the Port of Montreal halt overtime work in ongoing contract negotiations.
蒙特利尔港的码头工人将从星期四开始停止所有加班工作,以此作为与海事雇主协会正在进行的合同谈判的一种策略。 Dockworkers at the Port of Montreal will stop all overtime work starting Thursday as a tactic in ongoing contract negotiations with the Maritime Employers Association. 代表近 1,200 名码头工人的工会声称管理层“拖延了脚步”,尤其是在日程安排方面。 Representing nearly 1,200 longshore workers, the union claims management is "dragging its feet," particularly regarding scheduling. 自12月31日以来,这些工人一直没有合同。 The workers have been without a contract since December 31. 这一行动是在港口集装箱运输量占41%的两个码头进行为期三天的罢工之后进行的。 This action follows a three-day strike at two terminals handling 41% of the port's container traffic.