工会对加拿大政府签发的铁路罢工回工令提起诉讼。 Teamsters union files lawsuits against Canadian government-issued back-to-work orders over railway strike.
代表加拿大两家最大货运铁路的 Teamsters 工会提起诉讼,挑战政府发布的重返工作岗位命令,该命令迫使员工重返工作岗位并结束了铁路罢工。 The Teamsters union representing Canada's two largest freight railroads has filed lawsuits challenging government-issued back-to-work orders, which forced employees back to work and ended the railway strike. 工会对这些命令的合法性提出异议,声称这些命令侵犯了雇员的集体谈判权。 The union disputes the legality of these orders, claiming they infringe on employees' rights to collective bargaining. 政府下令工会在仲裁过程中继续工作。 The government has ordered the union to remain on the job during the arbitration process.