俄罗斯石油出口商使用几乎相同的油轮来增加追踪难度并绕过制裁。 Russian oil exporters use near-identical tankers to complicate tracing and bypass sanctions.
俄罗斯石油出口商使用几乎相同的油轮来使追踪变得更加复杂,例如 Oxis 超级油轮从一艘类似的、受到制裁的俄罗斯船只接收了 100 万桶乌拉尔石油。 Russian oil exporters use near-identical tankers to complicate tracing, as seen with the Oxis supertanker receiving 1 million barrels of Urals oil from a similar, sanctioned Russia-owned vessel. 这一举措凸显了俄罗斯如何能够绕过制裁,以及如果秘密转移增加,监控其石油流动的难度。 The maneuver highlights how Russia can bypass sanctions and the difficulty of monitoring their oil flow if covert transfers increase.