联合王国制裁30艘俄罗斯船只和两家保险公司,以限制乌克兰战争的资金。 UK sanctions 30 Russian ships and two insurance firms to curb funding for the war in Ukraine.
英国对俄罗斯“影子舰队”中的30艘船只实施制裁, 目的是限制俄罗斯为乌克兰战争提供资金。 The UK has imposed sanctions on 30 ships in Russia's "shadow fleet," aimed at limiting Russia's funding for the war in Ukraine. 这些船只运输了几十亿石油产品。 These ships have transported billions in oil products. 这一行动是针对船队的最大一揽子制裁措施的一部分,包括针对两家俄罗斯保险公司,并紧随由46个国家和欧盟组成的全球联盟之后。 This move, part of the largest sanctions package against the fleet, includes targeting two Russian insurance companies and follows a global coalition of 46 countries and the EU. 联合王国外交大臣戴维·拉姆米强调,俄罗斯的石油收入正在助长冲突。 UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy emphasized that Russia's oil revenues are fueling the conflict.