俄罗斯的石油出口猛增到每天3.1百万桶,在欧佩克+会议之前就无视制裁。 Russia's oil exports surge to 3.1M barrels/day, defying sanctions ahead of OPEC+ meeting.
俄罗斯的海运原油出口已猛增至每天310万桶以上,这是在欧佩克+会议召开之前几个月的最高水平。 Russia's seaborne crude oil exports have surged to over 3.1 million barrels per day, the highest in months, ahead of a key OPEC+ meeting. 尽管受到西方制裁, 俄罗斯仍保持石油流量, 部分通过油轮“影子船队”维持。 Despite Western sanctions, Russia has maintained its oil flows, partly through a "shadow fleet" of tankers. 欧佩克+组织预计将讨论推迟恢复以前削减的石油生产,可能再拖延三个月。 OPEC+ is expected to discuss delaying the restoration of previously cut oil production, possibly for another three months.