印度尼西亚坚持遵守《巴黎协定》,这对气候筹资和公信力至关重要。 Indonesia weighs staying in Paris Agreement, crucial for climate funding and credibility.
印度尼西亚面临离开《巴黎气候协定》的压力,但信守承诺至关重要。 Indonesia faces pressure to leave the Paris Climate Agreement, but staying committed is crucial. 退出将损害印度尼西亚的公信力和获得气候资金的机会。 Withdrawal would harm Indonesia's credibility and access to climate funding. 留在契约中的印度尼西亚可以领导全球南方的气候讨论,并获得可再生能源和救灾资金。 Remaining in the pact allows Indonesia to lead climate discussions in the Global South and access funds for renewable energy and disaster relief. 尽管一些官员建议因美国离开而退出,但专家认为离开将给经济和环境带来损害。 Despite some officials suggesting withdrawal due to the US's departure, experts argue that leaving would be economically and environmentally detrimental.