新西兰三分之二的碳储蓄严重依赖国际气候援助。 New Zealand relies heavily on international climate assistance for two-thirds of its carbon savings.
新西兰在实现《巴黎协定》目标方面面临着挑战,依靠国际气候行动来节约高达三分之二的碳。 New Zealand faces challenges in meeting its Paris Agreement targets, relying on international climate action for up to two-thirds of its carbon savings. 政府承认,单靠国内努力是不够的,但联盟伙伴新西兰第一集团没有澄清其关于购买气候援助的立场。 The government acknowledges that domestic efforts alone are insufficient, yet the coalition partner, NZ First, has not clarified its stance on purchasing climate assistance. 随着其他国家最后敲定协议,新西兰如果拖延谈判,将面临碳信用额度成本较高的风险,这突出表明它依赖全球合作。 As other nations finalize agreements, New Zealand risks higher costs for carbon credits if it delays negotiations, underscoring its reliance on global collaboration.