小岛屿国家在Cop29气候会谈中退出, 重新启动了最终达成协议的努力。 Small island nations' walkout at Cop29 climate talks has reignited efforts to finalize a deal.
小岛屿国家退出了Cop29气候会谈,但他们的行动为达成协议的努力注入了新的活力。 Small island nations walked out of the Cop29 climate talks, but their action has reinvigorated efforts to reach a deal. 他们的离开突显了应对气候变化的迫切性,特别是对于脆弱国家而言。 Their departure highlighted the urgency of addressing climate change, particularly for vulnerable nations. 谈判者目前正在努力弥合在融资和减排等问题上的差距,以挽救一项协定。 Negotiators are now working to bridge gaps on issues like financing and emissions cuts to salvage an agreement.