中国在增长挑战中实施经济刺激措施,包括补贴和债券销售。 China implements economic boost measures, including subsidies and bond sales, amid growth challenges.
中国正在实施各种措施以刺激其经济,包括扩大以现金换贷款的方案和电器回收计划,补贴工厂设备升级,发行更大的长期国库债券。 China is implementing various measures to boost its economy, including expanding cash-for-clunkers programs and appliance recycling initiatives, subsidizing factory equipment upgrades, and issuing larger long-term treasury bonds. 这些步骤旨在应对财产危机、大流行病干扰和货币疲软带来的挑战。 These steps aim to counter challenges from a property crisis, pandemic disruptions, and a weakening currency. 尽管作出了这些努力,由于住房价格下跌和工资停滞等问题,经济增长仍低于预期。 Despite these efforts, economic growth has been lower than expected due to issues like falling housing prices and stagnant wages.