中国敦促地方政府援助身陷经济困境的失业和困苦家庭。 China urges local governments to aid the unemployed and struggling families amid economic woes.
中国敦促地方政府在重大节假日之前,向包括失业者、无业大学毕业生、病人和困苦家庭在内的有需要的人提供更多的财政援助。 China is urging local governments to provide more financial aid to those in need, including the unemployed, jobless college graduates, the ill, and struggling families, ahead of major holidays. 这一行动是在目前经济困难的情况下进行的,主要原因是财产危机和国内需求疲软,预计将延续到2025年。 This move comes amid ongoing economic difficulties, primarily due to a property crisis and weak domestic demand, expected to extend into 2025. 世界银行报告说,中国的减贫步伐已经放慢,由于经济增长放缓,预计今后两年中国的减贫速度将进一步放缓。 The World Bank reports that China's pace of poverty reduction has slowed and is projected to decelerate further in the next two years due to slower economic growth.