国会通过法案,提高公职人员的社会保障水平,面临成本方面的批评。 Congress passes bill to boost Social Security for public workers, facing criticism over costs.
社会保障公平法案 (H.R. The Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82) 最近在两党支持下获得通过,旨在通过废除意外之财条款来增加州和地方政府工作人员的退休福利。 82), recently passed with bipartisan support, aims to increase retirement benefits for state and local government workers by repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision. 然而,批评者认为,这将在十年内花费 1960 亿美元,并加速社会保障信托基金的耗尽。 However, critics argue it will cost $196 billion over a decade and accelerate the depletion of Social Security's trust fund. 该法案没有解决长期偿付能力问题,引发了对未来福利削减或税收增加的担忧。 The act does not address long-term solvency issues, raising concerns about future benefit cuts or tax increases.