将社会保障福利扩大到接近参议院表决的300万政府工人的法案。 Bill to expand Social Security benefits for 3 million government workers nears Senate vote.
《社会保障公平法》接近参议院最后表决,可以扩大近300万人的福利,主要包括政府工作人员、教师、消防员和警官。 The Social Security Fairness Act, nearing a final Senate vote, could expand benefits for nearly 3 million people, mainly government workers, teachers, firefighters, and police officers. 该法案旨在结束对领取其他养恤金者的联邦福利金的削减。 The bill aims to end reductions in federal benefits for those receiving other pensions. 在两党支持下,由于社会保障管理局的劳动力减少,立法可能面临行政挑战。 With bipartisan support, the legislation could face administrative challenges due to the Social Security Administration's reduced workforce.