加拿大邮政局恢复接受商业邮件的打击后邮件,但警告说会拖延到1月。 Canada Post resumes accepting commercial mail post-strike but warns of delays lasting into January.
加拿大邮政局在长达一个月的罢工后已恢复接收商业邮件,但警告说,由于积压工作,拖延时间将持续到1月。 Canada Post has resumed accepting commercial mail after a month-long strike but warns of delays extending into January due to a backlog. 该公司说,要稳定其整个加工厂、仓库和邮局网络的业务,需要时间。 The company says it will take time to stabilize its operations across its network of processing plants, depots, and post offices.