加拿大邮政工人准备结束罢工,有可能在下周恢复邮件递送。 Canadian postal workers set to end strike, potentially resuming mail delivery next week.
加拿大邮局雇员准备下周一早返回工作岗位, 结束了一场打乱全国邮电服务的劳资纠纷。 Canada Post employees are set to return to work early next week, ending a labor dispute that has disrupted mail services across the country. 罢工的潜在结束是在工会与邮政部门持续谈判之后发生的。 The potential end to the strike comes after ongoing negotiations between the union and the postal service. 如果得到确认,正常的邮件递送可以尽早在下周恢复,从而减轻未交付邮件的积压。 If confirmed, regular mail delivery could resume as early as next week, easing the backlog of undelivered mail.