加拿大邮政工人罢工,扰乱邮件;节假日提供临时税收减免。 Canadian postal workers strike, disrupting mail; temporary tax break offered for holidays.
加拿大邮政工人罢工,影响了全国各地的邮件投递。 Canada Post workers are on strike, impacting mail delivery across the country. 此外,假日购物的 GST/HST 提供临时税收减免,以帮助减轻购物者的经济负担。 Additionally, there is a temporary tax break on the GST/HST for holiday purchases to help ease the financial burden on shoppers. 有关这些措施的范围和持续时间的细节仍在浮出水面。 Details on the extent and duration of these measures are still emerging.