Purolator和UPS因加拿大罢工和天气而暂停运输,威胁电子商务的假日销售。 Purolator and UPS pause shipments due to Canada Post strike and weather, threatening holiday sales for e-commerce.
Purolator公司和UPS公司由于加拿大持续罢工和恶劣天气造成的积压,暂时停止了一些信使公司的货运。 Purolator and UPS have temporarily halted shipments from some courier companies due to a backlog caused by the ongoing Canada Post strike and severe weather. 这种暂停会影响到像eShipper这样的公司,影响到较小的电子商务企业。 This pause affects companies like eShipper, impacting smaller e-commerce businesses. 蒙特利尔饼干制造商Félix & Norton警告说,停工可能会让他们整个假期都付出代价。 Montreal cookie maker Félix & Norton warns the halt could cost them the entire holiday season. 加拿大邮局正在审查来自代表55,000名雇员的罢工工会的新提案。 Canada Post is reviewing new proposals from the striking union representing over 55,000 employees.