叙利亚难民返回饱受战祸的阿勒颇,面临恶劣的生活条件和不确定性。 Syrian refugee returns to war-torn Aleppo, faces severe living conditions and uncertainty.
Ahmed al-Kassem是一位在土耳其生活了十年的叙利亚难民,在阿萨德总统倒台后返回叙利亚,但发现他在阿勒颇的老房子被损坏过重,无法在没有电或自来水的家中生活。 Ahmed al-Kassem, a Syrian refugee living in Turkey for a decade, returned to Syria after President Assad's fall, only to find his old house in Aleppo too damaged to live in and his family home without electricity or running water. Al-Kassem是已返回叙利亚的7 600多名难民之一,面临重大挑战,包括缺乏基本服务和前途不确定。 Al-Kassem is among over 7,600 refugees who have returned to Syria, facing significant challenges including lack of basic services and uncertain futures. 他14岁的女儿Rawiya担心在土耳其学校上学多年后在阿勒颇开学。 His 14-year-old daughter, Rawiya, worries about starting school in Aleppo after years in Turkish schools.