超过115 000名叙利亚人返回家园,但流离失所者的安全关切依然存在。 Over 115,000 Syrians return home, but security concerns persist for the displaced.
自阿萨德后时代开始以来,已有115 000多名叙利亚人返回家园,土耳其和约旦报告有大量回返者。 Over 115,000 Syrians have returned home since the start of the post-Assad era, with Turkey and Jordan reporting significant numbers of returnees. 与此同时,叙利亚境内仍然有664 000多人流离失所,其中大多数是妇女和儿童。 Meanwhile, over 664,000 people remain displaced within Syria, mostly women and children. 难民署通过援助和家居重建支持回返者,但安全关切和敌对行动继续影响平民,影响水电等基本服务。 The UNHCR supports returnees with aid and home rehabilitation, but security concerns and hostilities continue to affect civilians, impacting essential services like water and electricity.