数以十万计的叙利亚难民在对其安全和待遇的关切中返回家园。 Hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees are returning home amid concerns for their safety and treatment.
自从以色列9月份对黎巴嫩进行空中轰炸以来,数十万叙利亚难民已返回叙利亚,尽管许多人不想返回。 Since Israel's aerial bombardment of Lebanon in September, hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees have returned to Syria, despite many not wanting to go back. 黎巴嫩和叙利亚官员认为,这是一个增加国际支持和可能从制裁中救济的机会。 Lebanese and Syrian officials see this as an opportunity for increased international support and potential relief from sanctions. 然而,权利团体对返回者的待遇表示关切,有逮捕的报告。 However, rights groups express concerns over the treatment of returnees, with reports of arrests. 难民署正在集中精力确保他们的安全,并倡导人道主义援助。 The UNHCR is focusing on ensuring their safety and advocating for humanitarian aid.