中国经济在 11 月表现喜忧参半,零售额增长 3%,但工业增长停滞不前。 China's economy shows mixed results in November, with retail sales up 3% but industrial growth stagnant.
中国经济在 11 月表现喜忧参半,零售额同比仅增长 3%,低于 10 月的 4.8%。 China's economy showed mixed performance in November, with retail sales growing only 3% year-over-year, a slowdown from October's 4.8%. 消费者削减了非必要支出,而工厂产出增长了 5.4%,与上个月基本持平。 Consumers cut back on non-essential spending, while factory output rose 5.4%, nearly flat from the previous month. 大多数城市的房价和房屋销售都有所下降。 Property prices and home sales fell in most cities. 尽管存在这些挑战,政府的目标是每年增长 5% 左右,领导人承诺采取更积极措施来提振经济。 Despite these challenges, the government aims for about 5% annual growth, with leaders promising more proactive measures to boost the economy.