研究发现,短短的密集活动连发,每天仅一分钟,大大降低了心脏风险。 Short bursts of intense activity, as little as a minute daily, significantly cut heart risks, study finds.
一项新的研究发现,称为VILPA的短期密集体育活动可以显著降低发生重大心脏病的风险。 A new study finds that short bursts of intense physical activity, called VILPA, can significantly lower the risk of major heart problems. 对于妇女来说,即使是每天1.2至1.6分钟,也能将心脏病发作风险降低40%,心脏病发作风险降低33%,总体重大心血管事件降低30%。 For women, even 1.2 to 1.6 minutes daily can reduce heart failure risk by 40%, heart attack risk by 33%, and overall major cardiovascular events by 30%. 平均每天5.6分钟的男性患重大心脏病的风险降低16%。 Men who averaged 5.6 minutes a day had a 16% lower risk of major heart issues. VILPA包括诸如走楼梯或搬运杂货等活动,在没有特别准备或时间承诺的情况下,很容易地适应日常活动。 VILPA includes activities like taking the stairs or carrying groceries, easily fitting into daily routines without special preparation or time commitment.