澳大利亚的研究发现,相当于3小时步行的日常锻炼可以延长寿命,并将早死风险降低73%。 Australian study finds daily exercise, equivalent to three hours of walking, can extend lifespan and cut early death risk by 73%.
澳大利亚研究人员发现,相当于步行三小时的日常体育活动可以大大延长寿命,并将早死风险降低73%。 Australian researchers found that daily physical activity, equivalent to three hours of walking, can significantly extend lifespan and reduce the risk of early death by 73%. 该研究有35 000名参与者,他们身着活动跟踪仪,研究表明,即使每天行动量小幅增加,也会对健康产生重大影响。 The study with 35,000 participants wearing activity trackers suggests that even small increases in daily movement can have a major health impact. 专家建议每周进行150分钟的中度或75分钟的密集锻炼,并每周为总体健康进行两次强度培训。 Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intense weekly exercise plus twice-weekly strength training for overall health. 他们还建议采取简单的行动,如走上楼梯、快速步行和每周骑自行车,以减少过早死亡的风险。 They also advise simple actions like taking stairs, brisk walking, and cycling weekly to reduce premature death risks.