调查显示,56%的美国人发现独处时间对心理健康至关重要,但有46%的人在节假日缺乏独处时间。 Survey shows 56% of Americans find alone time vital for mental health, but 46% lack it during holidays.
俄亥俄州立大学最近进行的一项调查发现,56%的美国人认为独处时间对心理健康至关重要,然而46%的美国人在节假日得不到足够的时间。 A recent survey by Ohio State University found that 56% of Americans see alone time as crucial for mental health, yet 46% don't get enough during the holidays. 临床心理学家Sophie Lazarus建议简单改变, 比如单独休息或不打电话来减轻压力。 Clinical psychologist Sophie Lazarus recommends simple changes like taking brief breaks alone or keeping phones away to reduce stress. 她强调,独处时间即使在公共场所也是有益的,并不等于自私。 She emphasizes that alone time can be beneficial even in public spaces and doesn't equate to selfishness.