超过三分之一的50至80岁美国人报告感到孤单, 反映了大流行前的水平。 Over one-third of Americans aged 50 to 80 report feeling lonely, mirroring pre-pandemic levels.
50至80岁美国人中有三分之一以上仍然感到孤独和孤立,其比率恢复到人口流行前的水平。 Over one-third of Americans aged 50 to 80 still feel lonely and isolated, with rates returning to pre-pandemic levels. 密歇根大学的一项研究表明,健康状况不佳、不工作或领取残疾收入的成年人更有可能报告这些感觉。 A University of Michigan study shows that adults with poor health, not working, or receiving disability income are more likely to report these feelings. 研究人员建议保健服务提供者对病人进行孤独筛查,并将他们与社区资源联系起来。 Researchers recommend that healthcare providers screen patients for loneliness and connect them to community resources.