美国每10个成年人中有7个想在节日期间避免与家人进行政治会谈, Seven in ten U.S. adults want to avoid political talks with family during the holidays, a new survey shows.
美国心理学协会的一项调查显示,72%的美国成年人想在节日期间避免与家人进行政治讨论。 A survey by the American Psychological Association shows that 72% of U.S. adults want to avoid political discussions with family during the holidays. 尽管65%的人不担心政治会谈会损害他们的关系,但39%的人强调这种可能性。 While 65% are not worried about political talks harming their relationships, 39% are stressed by the possibility. 近38%的人说,他们将避免持不同政治观点的家庭成员。 Nearly 38% say they will avoid family members with differing political views. 该研究还发现,较年轻的成年人更有可能为避免分歧而逃避家庭聚会。 The study also found that younger adults are more likely to skip family gatherings to avoid disagreements. 尽管局势紧张,但大多数成年人认为节日是抛开政治分歧、关注家庭的时候。 Despite the tensions, most adults believe the holidays are a time to set aside political differences and focus on family.