俄罗斯的石油出口在2024年下降,尽管中国和印度的石油出口在美国新的制裁下有所增加。 Russian oil exports fell in 2024 despite increases to China and India, amid new US sanctions.
俄罗斯原油出口在2024年下降了2.2%,原因是管道和海运运输量减少,尽管将更多的石油转往中国和印度。 Russian crude oil exports fell by 2.2% in 2024 due to pipeline and seaborne shipment reductions, despite redirecting more oil to China and India. 美国的新制裁使俄罗斯更难向亚洲出口原油,促使国内提炼增加。 New US sanctions have made it harder for Russia to export crude to Asia, prompting increased domestic refining. 与此同时,石油价格每周下跌,受到关税和美元升值的影响。 Meanwhile, oil prices dropped weekly, influenced by tariffs and the strengthening USD. 尽管受到制裁,俄罗斯石油仍然继续流动,在西方经济压力面前表现出了韧性。 Russian oil continues to flow despite sanctions, showing resilience in the face of Western economic pressures.