联合国警告说,2024年可能会破坏温度记录,危及巴黎气候协议的目标。 The UN warns that 2024 may break temperature records, jeopardizing the Paris climate agreement's goals.
联合国警告说,巴黎气候协定的目标处于危险之中,因为2024年正在打破新的气温记录,有可能超过1.5°C的极限。 The United Nations warns that the Paris climate agreement's goals are in jeopardy as 2024 is on track to break new temperature records, potentially surpassing the 1.5°C limit. 世界气象组织(气象组织)报告说,2015-2024年期间将是记录到的最暖和的十年,温室气体水平不断上升,冰川萎缩和海平面上升加速。 The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reports that the 2015-2024 period will be the warmest decade recorded, with rising greenhouse gas levels and accelerating glacier shrinkage and sea-level rise. 气象组织强调,某种程度的变暖的每一部分都会增加极端气候和风险。 The WMO emphasizes that each fraction of a degree of warming increases climate extremes and risks.