据哥白尼报告,连续12个月创下新的气温纪录,2021年是有记录以来最热的一年。 12 consecutive months set new temperature records, with 2021 being the warmest year on record, as reported by Copernicus.
欧盟气候变化监测机构哥白尼的数据显示,连续12个月创下新的气温纪录,2021年是有记录以来最热的一年。 12 consecutive months set new temperature records, with 2021 being the warmest year on record, according to the EU's climate change monitoring service, Copernicus. 截至 5 月份的 12 个月期间,全球平均气温比工业化前水平高出 1.63°C,为 1940 年以来最温暖的时期。 The global average temperature for the 12-month period ending in May was 1.63°C above pre-industrial levels, making it the warmest since 1940. 联合国世界气象组织(WMO)报告称,未来五年中至少有一年暂时超过1.5°C全球变暖阈值的可能性为80%。 The UN's World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reports an 80% likelihood that at least one of the next five years will temporarily exceed the 1.5°C global warming threshold. 联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯呼吁到 2030 年将全球化石燃料的生产和使用量减少 30%。 UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for a 30% cut in global fossil fuel production and use by 2030.