2024年是创纪录最热的一年,气候变化与极端天气有关,造成3 700多人死亡。 2024 saw the hottest year on record, with climate change linked to extreme weather causing over 3,700 deaths.
2024年,世界经历了创纪录的最热年,气候变化导致全球多发41天危险热。 In 2024, the world experienced its hottest year on record, with climate change contributing to 41 extra days of dangerous heat globally. 极端天气事件,包括热浪、洪水和暴风雨,导致3 700多人死亡和数百万人流离失所。 Extreme weather events, including heatwaves, floods, and storms, led to over 3,700 deaths and displaced millions. 科学家警告说,如果不采取紧急行动减少排放量,今后可能还会对气候产生更为严重的影响。 Scientists warn that without urgent action to reduce emissions, even more severe climate impacts are likely in the future.