新上任的叙利亚领导人要求联合国留下来, 红十字委员会努力在持续流离失所的情况下与家人团聚。 Syria's new leaders ask UN to stay, ICRC works to reunite families amid ongoing displacement.
叙利亚新领导人要求联合国难民机构留下, Syria's new leaders have asked the UN refugee agency to stay, promising security for their operations. 红十字委员会正在努力帮助家属寻找他们失踪的亲人,自13年前冲突开始以来,报告了35 000多起失踪事件。 The ICRC is working to help families find their missing loved ones, with over 35,000 cases reported since the conflict began 13 years ago. 数以万计的叙利亚人,主要是什叶派穆斯林,逃到黎巴嫩,他们害怕遭到迫害,尽管新的大马士革政权保证了他们的人身安全。 Tens of thousands of Syrians, mainly Shia Muslims, have fled to Lebanon, fearing persecution despite assurances of safety from the new Damascus regime. 红十字委员会开通了帮助家庭团聚的热线。 The ICRC has opened hotlines to aid in reuniting families.