425 000+叙利亚人因冲突逃离黎巴嫩;联合国呼吁区域降级和324 M美元援助。 425,000+ Syrians flee Lebanon due to conflict; UN calls for regional de-escalation and $324M aid.
联合国人道主义事务协调厅呼吁叙利亚地区局势缓和,因为自9月23日以来,由于冲突升级,已有超过42.5万人逃离黎巴嫩,其中主要是叙利亚人。 The UN's OCHA has called for regional de-escalation in Syria as over 425,000 people, primarily Syrians, have fled Lebanon since September 23 due to escalating conflict. 这种流入使人道主义资源紧张,促使联合国呼吁3.24亿美元援助多达48万人。 This influx is straining humanitarian resources, prompting the UN to appeal for $324 million to assist up to 480,000 people. 安全理事会对以色列影响叙利亚的军事行动表示震惊,敦促在目前的危机中保护难民和增加人道主义资金。 The Security Council expressed alarm over Israel's military actions affecting Syria, urging protection for refugees and increased humanitarian funding amidst the ongoing crisis.